Nielsen Foundation announces 2024 Data for Good grantees

The Nielsen Foundation has committed $350,000 in grants to seven organizations through the 2024 Data for Good grants program. Established in 2017, Data for Good grants support projects by nonprofit organizations that use data in creative ways and help bridge divides to catalyze long-term change. This year the program has supported innovative efforts that create or use data and research to advance programs encouraging diverse talent to pursue and succeed in media and technology careers. 

Supported projects include:

America On Tech: to support an AI-enabled alumni analysis, in turn advancing their mission to prepare the next generation of technology leaders from underestimated communities.

About the Nielsen Foundation

The Nielsen Foundation is a private foundation originally funded by Nielsen, a global data and analytics company. The Nielsen Foundation envisions a more equitable world, enabled by inclusive media and technology, where everyone has voice and opportunities to succeed. Our grantmaking is focused on powering and advancing inclusive innovation and representation in the media and technology industries, especially through the use of data and research. We support organizations that drive greater representation, inclusion and equity in media and technology, including initiatives that use data in innovative ways to advance media and technology as forces for good.